Furry Little Monkeys!

Photo Gallery
(all pictures taken by someone dumb or arrogant enough to think his pets are somehow special ...)

So I got conned into getting not one but TWO kittens, despite the fear I would become a Woman With Cats ... and an incidental penis.

This is E Pur Si Muove, named for the phrase--"Even so, it moves."--muttered by Galileo when he was forced to recant his belief that the earth moved around the sun, rather than the other way around.
I figure I can either call her "E (pronounced "A") Pursi the Pussy", or "A Pussy Moving".

And this is Hypatia, named after Hypatia of Alexandria, the preeminent mathematician of her time, and perhaps the first great female scholar of the sciences recognized by history.
(Because of civil unrest between the newly emergent Christians and other religions, Hypatia was brutally murdered by a mob who thought her a witch.)

As can probably be deduced by their names, E Pursi is the adventurous one, while Hypatia is the scaredy cat.

Woohoo! It's Mardi Gras!

A simple bookcase ... or something more sinister?

And what's this?

"I don't know you, I don't know this place, and I ain't comin' out!"

"Is it safe yet?"

Ah, sleep ...

Perchance to dream ...

Swimming on a sea of slumber

Go. Away.

No Pictures! NO PICTURES!!!

Captain of the Good Ship Tub

Daddy says we're going on Ebay! Yay!

... what's Ebay?

Caught in the Act

I am shocked. SHOCKED!

What? What'd I do?

Um ... he hit me first?

What do *I* think of the kittens?

You have NO idea.
Oh, the embarassment ...